My Reflections

My relationship with God:

What a beautiful and messy journey so far. I used to think my life was very sheltered, that my past was boring and I had nothing worth sharing, but even in my teens I experienced beautiful moments with God as He called for me to come back to Him.

I’m blessed to look back to see where I have grown, but continue pressing forward towards Christ with a healthy attitude that I will never be perfected until the day I go to heaven – which his why we need Jesus.

And with Jesus as my Shepard (always leading, always protecting, always correcting my steps) He is full of joy and delight as I trust His leadership and when I choose to learn from His wisdom.

My written reflections:

I’m looking forward to sharing more reflections about where I’ve come and how our family has grown, about the challenges we’ve faced and the lessons I’ve learnt along the way. I will aim to share about topics that are worth thinking about, but each reflection may not resonate with everyone simply because we all journey a different walk. I hope though, that I can offer hope to others walking a difficult journey or seeking some light on their own circumstances.

I’ll be writing about my personal experiences and life as I understand it, and make biblical references as I go (which are usually hyperlinked in my reflections), when I want share a Godly perspective on the complexities of life. I’ll also be sharing about some of my devotions as I’ve grown with God, reflecting regularly on His Word and revealing how He has had an impact in my life.

However, despite my reflections about life and the Word of God, I think that it is important for people to make an informed decision about their life by doing adequet research, seeking professional advice when it matters, and considering all consequences of their decisions before making them.

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